Vatican defends pope’s stand on condoms as criticism mounts

The Vatican on Wednesday defended Pope Benedict's opposition to the use of condoms to stop the spread of AIDS as activists, doctors and politicians criticized it as unrealistic, unscientific and dangerous.
Benedict, arriving in Africa, said on Tuesday that condoms "increase the problem" of AIDS. – gostava de compreender a lógica

"My reaction is that this represents a major step backwards in terms of global health education, is entirely counter-productive, and is likely to lead to increases in HIV infection in Africa and elsewhere," said Prof Quentin Sattentau, Professor of Immunology at Britain's Oxford University.
"There is a large body of published evidence demonstrating that condom use reduces the risk of acquiring HIV infection, but does not lead to increased sexual activity," he said. – mais uma vez gostava de compreender o raciocinio por detrás da crença de que o uso de preservativos aumenta a actividade sexual, sempre pensei que fosse ao contrário…

The Church teaches that fidelity within heterosexual marriage and abstinence are the best ways to stop AIDS. – este é o principal argumento da igreja católica. É um argumento válido: se se praticar abstinência até ao casamento, se se fizerem exames de saúde antes do matrimónio e se mantiver uma relação monogâmica dentro do casamento, as probabilidades de contrair sida reduzem drasticamente. Não discordo do ponto de vista. Mas em que é que isto invalida o uso de preservativos para os restantes 99,9999% da população mundial com opções de vida diferentes???

HIV, the virus that can lead to AIDS, infects 33 million people globally and has killed 25 million.
"The pope saying they are not good is like someone saying traveling by air is not 100 percent safe, so we should not fly," said Pat Matemilola, national co-ordinator for the Network of People Living with HIV/AIDS in Nigeria (NEPWHAN), a medical doctor who has been living with HIV/AIDS for more than a decade.

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